Step 1:

Take the Booking Quiz

New to Parlour? Please take the appropriate booking quiz to establish which services are right for you.

If you are a pre-existing guest and already know what service you want to request, skip to Step 2.  

Curly Quiz

What is your First and Last Name?

Standard Quiz

What is your First and Last Name?

Grey Enhancement Quiz

What is your First and Last Name?

Step 2:

Book Your Appointment

New? Trouble finding an appointment?

HINT: We release New Client Appointments online the first week of each month. 

You can join the New Client Waitlist to receive Early Bird text and email notifications. You'll get prompted to book online  FIRST before we announce openings on social media.

Step 3:

Schedule Your Consultation*

We will be in touch within 3 business days of receiving your online request to help you schedule a consultation with your stylist, if your service requires it. 

The consult will take place 2-4 weeks before your requested appointment. In-person and video options are offered. We can’t wait to meet you!

*New Client Consultation Policy*

Consult required for New Clients requesting Curl Services, Color Services, or Bridal Styling. Style, shape, and texture analysis completed. Timing and price estimates given. 

Online requests are pending approval until Consult has been booked.

Still have questions?